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Specialist Charities

At NBAS, we are dedicated to helping you at the times when you need it most. From our experience working with different individuals, we have come to realise that some people need more specialised support; for example, if their loved one has passed away in traumatic circumstances. In these cases, people can feel particularly alone as others will have little or no understanding about what they are going through.  We have therefore begun the process of partnering with specialist charities, both local and national, to ensure we can guide you down the best possible path for support.


Bradley Lowery Foundation

The Bradley Lowery Foundation was established in 2017 after 6 year old Bradley sadly lost his battle with a rare form of childhood cancer.

The Foundation works with multiple research charities to ensure your donations are going to the best and most innovative research projects right here in the UK.

The Foundation feels that early childhood cancer research is a vital part of the research process.  Although this type of research does not get as much publicity, without it, newer, safer treatments would never be found.

Working in collaboration with research charities, they have given over £280,000 to fund vital research into Neuroblastoma and Ewing Sarcoma.

Bradley Lowery Logo
Bradley Lowery


PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people.

Suicide is the biggest killer of people aged 35 and under in the UK. We believe that many suicides are preventable.

PAPYRUS was founded in 1997 by a group of bereaved parents, who had each lost children to suicide. Our founding parents shared core beliefs that suicide is preventable, and that those of us with lived experience of suicide have a valuable and unique contribution to make to the wider conversation around suicide.

Since then, PAPYRUS has grown into a UK-wide charity with offices in North West England, South West England, West Midlands, London, Northern Ireland, North Wales, South Wales, and Scotland.

Today, we are a leading youth suicide prevention charity in the UK. Our suicide prevention helpline, HOPELINE247, is staffed by trained suicide prevention advisers, who work with young people – and anybody concerned for a young person – to help keep them safe from suicide. HOPELINE247 is a free and confidential call, text and email service, which is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year (weekends and bank holidays included),

Papyrus Logo
Papyrus Logo

James Brindley Foundation

We want to live in a country where no-one walks in fear of youth violence. We believe that, when everyone accepts personal responsibility for those around them, inevitably violence will be reduced and ultimately, lives saved.

The James Brindley Foundation, inspired by James to help others, exists to bring an end to youth violence and to help families who suffer the same pain as ourselves. It is our aspiration that these matters be given the gravity today so that they can be consigned to history tomorrow.

We pride ourselves on our ability to tackle youth offending, head on. Through the delivery of The James Brindley Full Circle Programme, an accredited educational tool for children and young people and an assessment tool for professionals, we engage and empower young people to make positive changes for a better life.

James Brindley Logo
James Brindley
The Lullaby Trust

The Lullaby Trust

The Lullaby Trust is a charity that saves babies’ lives and supports bereaved families. Around 3 babies a week still die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and we are committed to bringing that number down to zero.

Through educating parents on how they can reduce the risk of SIDS and investing over £12 million in research, we have played a key role in reducing the number of babies who die from SIDS by over 80%, saving the lives of around 30,000 babies.

Each year we train thousands of health professionals to support parents in sleeping their baby safely, and reach millions of families with our vital safer sleep advice. We campaign tirelessly to raise awareness of SIDS and ensure our life saving advice reaches all parents.

The Lullaby Trust supports bereaved families through our helpline and befriending scheme. We work with local healthcare providers to deliver the Care of Next Infant Programme (CONI) which offers a lifeline to bereaved families expecting a new baby.

Scottish Cot Death Trust

Scottish Cot Death Trust was founded in 1985 and is the only charity in Scotland dedicated to the sudden unexpected death of babies and young children. We make a difference because we aim to find the answers through funding research, providing support for bereaved families and educating the public and professionals about sudden unexpected death in infants (SUDI). We are a small charity run from our office base in Glasgow with a small team of dedicated staff and volunteers. No matter where you live in Scotland, you can access our services.

One of the Scottish Cot Death Trust’s core aims is to provide education for professionals and the public. This education focuses on raising awareness of how we can reduce the risks of a sudden and unexpected death in infancy occurring. In many ways, our education strategy and our research funding work hand in hand when striving to reduce the SUDI rate in Scotland and worldwide.

Scottish Cot Death Trust
Safe Sleep Scotland

The OLLIE Foundation

Ollie Foundation

The OLLIE Foundation was launched in 2016 by three parents who, having each lost a teenage son to suicide, pledged to prevent such losses for other families.

OLLIE is devoted to empowering individuals and organisations to reduce suicide in their communities through education, intervention, and prevention. By providing the right support and knowledge, we’re confident in our ability and yours to create positive change and save lives because…

One Life Lost Is Enough

Children's Bereavement Centre

The Children’s Bereavement Centre is run by a committed team of friendly, supportive and professional people who are passionate about helping children and young people to cope with the grieving process brought on by the death or terminal illness diagnosis that has a prognosis of a year or less for survival of someone close.

Although it is a natural part of life, the loss of someone close can be a distressing and overwhelming experience, especially for children and young people.

The Centre is open to children aged 3 to 18 and we offer a welcoming and safe environment for them and their families to receive the help and guidance they need at one of the most devastating times in their lives.

It’s really easy to refer to our services which are offered completely free of charge.

Childrens Bereavement Centre
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