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Organising your own affairs

  • As discussed in the section ‘What to do in the first days after a death’, the initial days following a death can be both traumatic and challenging. Now would be a good time to set up your own information file so that, when the time comes, your loved ones are able to access all the information they need quickly and easily.

  • · Your file could include the names, contact details and account numbers of different organisations eg bank, building society, mortgage provider or landlord, utility companies, pension provider/s, insurance companies and details of any online accounts you may hold (for example, cloud storage with photographs). However, according to the Law Society, if an executor or other person uses a password or PIN to access an account after a death, they may be guilty of a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act which was passed in 1990. Note that it is possible to state in your Will that executors can be appointed to look after any digital assets or online accounts.

  • · If you are leaving a Will, make sure that your executors know where to find it as, if they are unable to do so, you will have died intestate. Similarly, if you store it in a safe, ensure your executors know the code to open it.

  • · If you have a pet and live alone, you might want to consider what will happen to it after your death. There are some organisations, such as Cats Protection and Dogs Trust, which offer free rehoming schemes for pets who have lost their owners. Click on the links to find out more about this – and .

  • · You may decide that it would be beneficial to you and your family if you were to take out a pre-paid funeral plan. There are many different types of plan and a range of costs so it would be a good idea to discuss your preferences with family and also with a professional.

If you need further advice or have any questions please call us on: 0300 13 123 53

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